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Top 4 reasons to invest in brand strategy services for the New Year 2023

It’s Q4 and the 2022 finish line is on the horizon! Most organizations use Q4 to finish ongoing projects, crunch numbers, and make adjustments to marketing initiatives for the new year, but if you’re wrapping things up without considering where your brand is taking you in 2023, you’re missing an opportunity to up your game in the year to come.

You may be a new company on the scene or a legacy brand with a full marketing team, but no matter where you are in your company’s lifespan, reviewing your brand strategy, brand identity, and brand management support initiatives with the right creative studio will help you start the new year off ahead of the game.

Brand Strategy

If you’re newer to this whole branding thing or you haven’t reviewed your brand strategy for a while, this is where you want to start. Your brand strategy is the foundation of your company’s brand. It’s how you figure out your unique place in the market and capture the attention of your customers. Even if you feel solid in the strategy you employed last year, working with a strategic branding agency with a diverse creative studio portfolio can give you the outside perspective you need to keep your brand strategy fresh in the new year and make sure it still aligns with your brand’s goals.

Brand Identity

If things are starting to feel a little stale when it comes to how your organization’s personality is represented, brand identity services are what you’re looking for. If you feel like your strategy is solid, but your visuals and message are not connecting with your customers, working with a branding agency can help you assess what the key brand identity issues may be and show you how to fix them. Heading into the new year is a great time to freshen up old visual collateral or copy that’s not serving you anymore, so you can go into 2023 with attention-catching visuals and messaging that reinforces the emotional connection with your audience.

Brand Management

Brand management is an essential part of an organization’s brand that often gets overlooked. Even if you’re already cruising into the new year feeling confident in your brand strategy and identity, it would be remiss of any organization not to review what its brand management looks like for the year ahead. Even the most successful brands have to work to be consistent throughout the year to maintain brand recognition and garner continued trust from their customers. As 2023 approaches, now is the perfect time to work with a branding agency that can help you figure out what kind of brand support you’ll need in the next twelve months, whether that’s full-on strategic planning, assessing business goals and aligning them with initiatives, or creating some key pieces of collateral for new campaigns. 

Top 4 Reasons to Invest in Brand Services for the New Year

Branding agencies like Quill offer a full range of creative studio services to match where your brand is in its lifecycle. We don’t just stop at strategy or focus all on visuals. Making sure your brand is aligned with your values and goals and connecting with your customers from January 1st to December 31st is what we’re all about, which is why we put together the top four reasons you should invest in branding services for the new year.

1. The new year is the perfect time for goal-setting.

Goal planning for your organization without keeping your brand initiatives top of mind is goal planning with only half of the picture. Before you start setting monthly quotas and planning for next year’s big marketing campaigns, take some time to review how your brand supported your goals last year. What did you do from a brand management standpoint that set you apart? What have your competitors done in the past year that set them apart? Finish your brand review in Q4 and go into Q1 ready to consult with a creative studio about your goals for the year so they can help fine tune your brand strategy. 

2. The new year is the perfect time to get realigned.

Keeping brand identity consistent can be difficult, especially when multiple people collaborate on materials and marketing. Most businesses have more than one person creating content, so the new year is a great time to circle the wagons and get everyone on the same page with brand strategy and identity. Great content drives the relationship with your customers, so if your team is maxed out or you know you’ll need a little extra help during key times of the year, work with a branding agency for creative support.

3. The new year is the perfect time to attract new talent.

Who among us hasn’t made a New Year’s resolution at least once? There’s something about that midnight moment on January 1st of any new year that makes us feel ready to make changes and work towards new goals. In the current work climate, many people are looking for a change when it comes to their jobs, and you can expect to see a renewed effort in the search for the ideal job in the new year. Remember, your brand isn’t just for customers - it’s for your entire organization. When reviewing and revamping your brand strategy for the year ahead, don’t miss how important your brand identity is for retaining employees and attracting the best new talent. Job seekers are also consumers, and they are attracted to companies whose brands they feel align best with their values. If you have a strong brand strategy and identity, your brand will speak to the people who will be the best fit for your company.

4. The new year is the perfect time to attract new customers.

Even if your brand has been successful in attracting your ideal audience in the past, you don’t want to miss a chance to connect with new customers. People want to connect deeply with the brands they care about and associate with, so it’s important to take time to reassess your key differentiators at the start of a new year. How do you stand out in the market? Is your message still hitting the mark with your customers? Has your target audience changed in any way? Work with a branding agency that can help you dive deep into the mindset of your customer base and assess any new competition going into the new year.

Start the year off right with a branding consultation.

Usher in the new year with confidence. Start with a thorough brand review, set your goals, and make sure your branding efforts for the new year align with your values and personality. 

If you need guidance on any aspects of your brand - strategy, identity, or support - set up a new year’s consultation with us at Quill Creative Studio. We’ll bring the champagne and the party poppers.

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